Pinto Beans all gone.. Damn !

Good morning, blues lovers!  I woke up with pino beans on my mind. Sometimes, there’s nothing like a good ol’ pot of home-cooked pinto beans to set your soul right. My dad used to love them too, so they always bring back memories.

  I decided to make some, so I headed to the store looking for some ham hocks. Found a pack at Walmart—three ham hocks for seven bucks! Grocery prices these days high as a mofo , am I right? But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do .

   The night before, I always set my beans to soak. Do you soak your pinto beans? Some folks swear it makes them cook better. Me, I’m on the fence. Sometimes I soak ‘em, sometimes I don’t. This time, I did. I let them sit overnight in a pot of water.

  Next morning, I got up and filled my crock pot with water, threw in a ham hock, and sprinkled in some seasoning salt. Didn’t have any broth on hand, so it was just plain water this time. Sometimes I use beef broth, but I kept it simple today. After adding a bit of bay leaves, I turned on the crock pot and let those beans do their thing .

  While the beans were cooking, I whipped up some cornbread. Now, let me tell you about my near kitchen disaster. I almost burnt my hand on the cast iron skillet! Note to self: always use a potholder, not a dish rag. My hand’s still a little tender, no blisters. 

  When I got home that evening, the beans were ready, and man, they smelled good. Paired them with the cornbread, and it was a meal fit for a blues king. I must’ve had three bowls yesterday and another two today. Nothing like a southern style meal to charge you after a day’s work.

So, what about you? Do you like pinto beans? Until next time, keep your kitchen safe, your beans tasty, and your soul full of blues.

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