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To thy own Blues be True ! 

  Good morning, my friends. Today, I want to share some advice for young musicians who are dreaming of a career in blues music. It's a road filled with funk, passion, and grit. 

  The first thing I would suggest is to get as clear a picture as possible of what you want your life to look like. This is crucial because the end result will vary from one person to another. For some, it might mean being a stage performer, playing on big stages around the world. For others, it could mean expressing themselves…

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Slain by the Blues: My Most Memorable Fan Experience 

Good morning, friends. Today, I want to share with you a story about one of my most unforgettable fan experiences. It was a cool fall evening filled with music, laughter, and a moment that spoke for the power of the blues music .

It happened one sunny afternoon while I was out on the street, playing to a lively crowd. People were dancing , swaying, hula hoops were spinning, and the energy was electric. I encouraged everyone to join in. “Do you want to shake something?” I’d ask, handing out tambourines and…

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Email giving me hell  


 Doing a email campaign to stay in touch with my fans has been one of my biggest weaknesses. For years I have thought about it. I've even tried it on and off. But I've never been consistent about communicating with my fans. That is so crazy. Especially knowing how important it could be.  

  Several years back I started writing a paper called The Book of Billy. The title came from meeting a blues artist in Mississippi Delta. The guy did a great performance. He offered to sell me a CD. I didn't buy it that…

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Why I don't Spotify or Bootyfi  

  Good morning, y'all. Last night, someone asked me about streaming music and why I've never put my music on streaming platforms. It got me thinking about my personal experience with this whole streaming concept. That shit is crazy .

You see, I’ve never had my music on streaming services. Now, many of my friends and fellow artists have their music out there on these platforms, and of course, I pay close attention to what's happening in the music world. But personally, I’ve never dabbled in the streaming…

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Reaper aint no joke ! 

Good morning,  Last night on TikTok, someone asked me a question. They wanted to know about the most unique equipment I own. Now, I’ve got my share of guitars and harmonicas, but my answer might surprise you. It’s not an instrument, but rather my music editing software. This bitch blows my mind !

A few years back, I found myself volunteering at Calhoun college in my hometown. I was a volunteer artist in the audio engineering course, and let me tell you, that was an eye-opener. I got to see these young…

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Who motivates the Motivator ? 

  Last night in the Blues room on TikTok, a young dude asked me a question that got me thinking. They wanted to know, “How can a new musician stay motivated and inspired?” Now, that’s a damn good question, and one that deserves a thoughtful answer.

First off, let's talk about motivation. Motivation, at its core, means your reason for action. It's the "why am I doing this shit ? behind what you do. So, for any musician out there, it’s vital to get clear on this. Why are you picking up that instrument? What do…

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Pork chop sandwiches in the hood yum yum 

Good morning,  I was enjoying a pork chop for dinner last night, my thoughts drifted back to my good friend, Howard Ragland. Howard and I went to high school together, I can still see the smile on his face. He was a born entrepreneur, a natural born hustler with a personality that could light up a juke joint. Howard was the kind of guy who was great with people, a natural-born businessman.

  We grew up together, and even in high school, Howard had big dreams. He always talked about owning his own restaurant…

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1974 Was a big year for Huntsville Al Music scene  

Good morning, blues lovers! I woke up today reminiscing about a question someone asked me last night: "What was the first show you ever played?" So, let me take you back to 1974, when I was a high school junior .

  Back in high school, I put together a band with some friends: a bass player named Albert Pam, a drummer named Dillard Fletcher, and a conga player named William Pryor. We had a guitar player or keyboard player too, though the details are a bit hazy. We had a four or five-piece band. We called…

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How did we get here in the music ? 


Good morning, Blues people. Today, I want to share a time from my life that was filled with confusion. The fucked up 1980's . The 1980s were a challenging period for me as a musician.

  The 1980s saw the rise of disco and electronic instruments. I was already smoking my guitar and blowing my harmonica, deeply immersed in the rhythms of blues and classic soul. But suddenly, a new wave of music took over – disco and rap. These genres were mostly electronic, with instruments replaced by synthesizers and…

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When was your first solo gig ? 

Good morning, blues people !  Today,  I was thinking back to where it all began – my first paid gig. 

  My first attempt at making money with music was as a street performer in downtown Huntsville AL. Picture this: me, my guitar, and the open air. But, alas, the streets were quiet, and there weren't enough people around to make it worthwhile. I soon realized that downtown Huntsville wasn't bustling enough for a street musician to survive. So, I left that scene behind.

  Years went by, and opportunities in…

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