Celebrating 3 million hearts on periscope. I started scoping in September of 2015. I didn't know what to expect. Being an old skool telecomm baby like myself it's only natural that periscope would intrigue me. The first time I heard of periscope I was riding through the countryside in Greenbrier Alabama eating a BBQ sandwich and listening to a podcast. There was a lady on explaining about a tribe call Bo Po. She was all excited about building a tribe on this new thing called the periscope. I was a new iPhone user then. I took a look at the app, downloaded it that night and  looked at it for the rest of the night I didn't immediately broadcasts. It took me about two or three days to get the confidence to try. Then one night I decided what the hell. I hit the start broadcast button and started playing harmonica and a young man came in the room who knew me. His name was Danner. Danner knew me from street performing at Bridge St Towncenter he asked me when was I going back to the mall and our conversation began that night seven people came in the room it was very interesting.

 I decided to try it again the next night and the next night 15 people or more came into the room I played harmonica. The next night I tried it again and it got bigger I can remember Danner asking me do you think we'll ever get 100 people or 1000  hearts I told him maybe so we kept doing it. After about two or three weeks then we met a man call Loud pipe and he began coming into the scope every day. One night I was performing downtown in the entertainment district in Huntsville Alabama and up walked five people who knew me from Periscope. It was Danner, his friends and I think his mom had come downtown to see me I was flabbergasted. I was so excited to be able to meet someone in person that only a few days ago I had met on Periscope. It was so exciting to me to meet them and touch them in person and that day I decided that periscope is real and I need to get real with it.

It's been a in-depth journey to go from my first Periscope to 3 million hearts. They have been thousands and thousands of people come through my scopes and we have reached 4000 followers who to me are the greatest people on earth we actually form a fan club VIP stands for very involved in periscope,  vera involved in promotion and very involved in Patreon. Which is the primary funding source for my independent music projects.

Sometimes when I'm on periscope looking at  the other  people scopes. I find that is not easy to tap hearts unless you really are interested in the content. Hearts really are a type of currency to express interest and connection with what is being said and done. To have 3 million hearts means  a lot to me. I love the people and apparently there's something about the blues in the blues room that they love , it’s an amazing measurement tool. I can hardly wait to turn the Hearts into dollars.

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